Explain 3 of the Primary Functions of the Family
Some of the of import functions Of family Are Every bit Follows:
Family is the most universal and key social institution which performs a multifariousness of functions in human social club. Dissimilar sociologists have viewed or classified the functions of family into unlike types.
Prototype Courtesy : thecommongrounds.org/images/data_sahib_islmabad_function_324.jpg
Famous Sociologists similar Ogburn and Nimkoff have classified functions of family mainly into half-dozen types such every bit:
(i) Affectional (ii) Economic functions (three) Recreational functions (iv) Protective functions (v) Religious functions and (vi) Educational functions. Some other famous sociologist K. Davis take classified the functions of family unit into four master divisions such as (i) Reproduction (ii) Maintenance (iii) Placement and (iv) Socialization of the young. Davis calls these as social functions and opines that family too performs some private functions which are a corollary of its social functions.
Similarly Goode classified the functions of family into five different types such as (i) Procreation functions (ii) Socioeconomic security functions (iii) Condition determination functions (iv) Socialization functions and (v) Social control functions. Similarly Prof. Lundberg enumerated four basic functions of family such as
(i) Regulations of sexual behavior of members and reproduction (2) Care and training of children (iii) Co-operation and division of labor and (4) Chief group satisfactions. Similarly Reed classified functions of family into following four types such as (i Race Perpetuation (ii) Satisfaction of sexual practice needs (iii) Socialization and (four) Economic functions. Just famous Sociologist Maclver classified the functions of family unit into 2 broad categories such as essential and non-essential functions.
These two functions are too widely known equally master and secondary functions. Under essential or primary functions Maclver includes mainly three functions such as (i) stable satisfaction of sex needs (ii) production and rearing of children and (iii) provision of a abode. Under non-essential or secondary functions he includes religious, recreational, educational, economic and health related functions. But one thing is clear that though sociologists have classified the functions of family into different forms nonetheless all of them gives stress on the aforementioned aspects in a different manner. However, these different functions of family are as described below:
(A) Essential functions of family:
Maclver has divided functions of family unit into essential and non-essential types. Nether essential functions he includes mainly 3 functions such as, stable satisfaction of sexual practice needs, production and rearing of children and a provision of domicile. Only besides these Maclverian functions of family, family unit may also perform some other essential functions. Simply it must be remembered that essential functions are those functions which are basic or fundamental in nature and no other institutions tin perform these functions so successfully as family can. However family performs the post-obit essential functions:
(one) Stable satisfaction of Sexual needs:
This is the most important essential role of family. Family has been performing this functions since the inceptions of human being civilization. It is a well known fact that sex urge is the near of import and powerful instinct and natural urge of human existence. It is the main duty of family to satisfy the sexual urge of its members in a stable and desirable manner.
Image Courtesy : upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/eatables/iv/41/KRS_girls.jpg
Through the mechanism of spousal relationship family regulate the sexual behavior of information technology's members. Because satisfaction of sex instinct brings the desire for life long partnership of husband and married woman. Satisfaction of this sex activity needs in a desirable way helps in the normal development of personality. Ancient Hindu Philosopher Manu and Vatsayan opines that satisfaction of sexual practice needs is the primary objective of family. If it is suppressed it creates personality maladjustments.
(ii) Procreation and Rearing of Children:
Information technology is another of import exclusive function of family .Necessary system of stable satisfaction of sexual urge resulted in procreation. Family provides the legitimate footing for product of children. It institutionalizes the procedure of procreation. By performing this part of procreation family contributes to the continuity of family and ultimately human race. Hence perpetuation of man race or society is the almost important office of family unit. Non merely the production of children only also child rearing is another important role of family. Family unit is the only place where the role of child rearing is better performed.
Paradigm Courtesy : ourwayit.com/Multicultural/MPj04464650000[i].jpg
(3) Provision of Domicile:
Family unit perform another important part of providing a dwelling house for common living to all it's members. It is merely in a home that children are born and brought up. Even if children are born in hospitals in mod fourth dimension still they are taken care of and properly nourished in a dwelling only. Because family and a home accept no substitute. In a home all the members of family alive together and a child is brought up under the strict vigilance of all it's members.
Image Courtesy : yourarticlelibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/218.jpg
All the members need a home to live happily with comfort, peace and protection. A home provides emotional and psychological support to all it'southward members. Man's necessity of beloved and man response got fulfilled hither. Family provides recreation to it'due south members. In a habitation family performs the function of a mod club. Man got peace by living in a home.
(iv) Socialization:
Information technology is another important essential part of family. It is said homo is non built-in human just fabricated human. New born human baby became human beingness after they are socialized. Family plays an important function in the socialization process.
Image Courtesy : dumplingsphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/428-2.jpg
It is one of the primary agents of socialization. Living in a family human baby learns norms, values, morals and ethics of lodge. He learns culture and acquires character through the process of socialization. His personality develops in the course of his living in family. From family he learns what is right and wrong and what is skilful or bad. Through socialization he became a social man and acquires good character.
(B) Non-essential or secondary functions of family unit:
Famous Sociologist Maclver has divided functions into essential and non-essential functions. Nether non-essential or secondary functions he includes economic, religious, educational, health and recreational functions. Forth with the essential functions family unit besides performs these not-essential functions. These functions are non-essential or secondary in the sense that these are also performed simultaneously by other social institutions in family unit. These functions are every bit follows:
(one) Economic functions:
Since ancient times family has been performing several economic functions. It is an important economic unit. In ancient fourth dimension family was both a production and consumption unit. It used to fulfill nearly all the economical needs of it'due south members such as food, clothing, housing etc. In the and so days family was self- sufficient. But now a days almost all the economic functions of family unit is performed past other agencies and family only remain as a consumption unit. It do not produce anything. All the members of family unit now working outside the abode.
But in spite of all family notwithstanding performing some economic functions of purchasing, protecting and maintaining property. Information technology besides equally distribute property amid it'due south members.
(ii) Educational functions:
Family performs many educational functions for it'due south members. As an main educational establishment family used to teach letters, cognition, skill and merchandise secret to all information technology's members. It looks subsequently the primary pedagogy of information technology's members and moulds their career and grapheme. Mother act as the first and all-time teacher of a kid. Besides he learns all sorts of informal education such as subject area, obedience, manners etc. from family. Of class at present many of the educational functions of family unit are taken over past schoolhouse, college and universities sill family continues to play an of import role in providing the start lessons and chief educational activity to its members.
(iii) Religious functions:
Family is the centre of all religious activities. All the family unit members offer their prayers together and observe different religious rites, rituals and practices jointly. All the members believe in a particular organized religion and discover religious ceremonies at home. Children acquire different religious values from their parents. Living in a spiritual atmosphere spirituality develops among the children. Family transmits religious beliefs and practices from i generation to another. But at present family became more secular in their outlook. Common family unit worship became very rare and accented. Notwithstanding family continues to play an important office in shaping religious mental attitude of its members.
(four) Health related functions:
Family as a chief social grouping performs several health related functions for its members. It expect after the health and vigor of its members. It takes care of the sick one-time and anile persons of the family. Past providing necessary nutritive nutrient to its members family takes care of the health of all.
Image Courtesy : dumplingsphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/428-ii.jpg
Of course modern family delegates some of its health related functions to hospital. The child is born today in a hospital or in a clinic and taken intendance of past nurses.
(5) Recreational function:
Family-performs several recreational functions for it'southward members past entertaining them in diverse means. In aboriginal period family was the merely centre of recreation. All the members together organize family feasts, visit the family relations, organize family picnics etc.
Paradigm Courtesy : boston.com/community/moms/blogs/parent_buzz/Family%20Design%20Day%20Bridges.jpg
Family unit organize different festivals which is another source of recreation. The relationship betwixt grandparents and grand children is another source of entertainment. After day'south piece of work all the members used" to get together and exchange their view. Of course modern club replaces many recreational functions of family. Only at the same time it is said that present family acts equally a modern social club without its evil effects.
(half-dozen) Cultural functions:
Family also performs several cultural functions equally well. It preserves unlike cultural traits. Man learns and acquires culture from family unit and transmits information technology to succeeding generations. That is why family unit is considered as centre of culture.
Image Courtesy : alexisimages.com/pixelpost/images/20090407225703_dscf4105a.jpg
(seven) Social functions:
Family performs a number of social functions. Information technology teaches near social customs, mores, traditions, norms, etiquette to the coming generations. Family exercises social control over its members and bring them into conformity with accepted standards. Senior members of family directly control the beliefs of children and thereby they became a good denizen.
Paradigm Courtesy : morningstarbaptistchurch.com/Pastor%20and%20family%20in%20India.jpg
Source: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/family/7-important-functions-of-family-1698-words/6171
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